
My Ancestral Chart

Murphy Family Chart
Bogner Family Chart
Dyszkiewicz Family Chart
Bittlingmeier Family Chart
Bauer Family Chart
Greuter Family Chart

Murphy Family History
Bogner Family History
Dyszkiewicz Family History
Bittlingmeier Family History
Bauer Family History
Greuter Family History
Causes of Death
DNA Testing
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By Lynn Murphy Lanzaro

Family Tree

Last update 8/10/2024

If you don't know where you've come from,
you don't know where you're going.
                                ...Maya Angelou

If you don't know your history, you don't know anything.
You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree.
                                ...Michael Crichton

I was born Lynn Ann Murphy and eventually became Lynn M. Celli by marrying Robert A. Celli just after my 21st birthday. On July 7, 1987 our daughter Leanne M. Celli was born. Unfortunately, we divorced in 1991 making me a single parent. Single parenthood was not the norm back then, as it is today. Society sure has changed. It was a tough job, but one that was also very rewarding.

I waited until I was 55 years of age to remarry. I became Mrs. Lawrence R. Lanzaro on November 6, 2008 by marrying my best friend.

Larry and I first met when I was 18 and he 28. We dated (nothing serious) and stayed friends thru the following years. After meeting up again, by passing each other at Monmouth Mall, we reconnected. He actually became Leanne s surrogate dad, with father-daughter dances, etc. We were a family who cared and looked out for each other. He taught me to trust the male specie yet, we weren t married as family. Larry s mom Ann had MS (like me) and was confined to a hospital bed and could only use her left arm a bit. She was such a loving and positive person, who touched my life in such a great way. As she was declining rapidly health-wise, she also worried about her son being alone (legally). She also said I loved and cared for her and him that I should marry him, so I could get his pension. After months of her stating the whys, I finally said yes to her. I threw together a small wedding in her apartment around the hospital bed. I told the mayor of Lakewood, Meir Lichtenstein, who agreed to do this special favor and marry us out of the office. We had a beautiful ceremony performed by the rabbi and the smile on Ann s and Larry s faces were the brightest I ve ever seen.

I ve served as President of Lafayette Green Homeowners Association, appointed member of Lakewood Development Corporation, served as Director on Lakewood s Chamber of Commerce, advocated for State legislation to protect small businesses from fraud and misrepresentation, was appointed to Ocean County s Human Relations Board, and sat on the Weed & Seed Committee dealing with gang violence in Lakewood. I taught Sunday School for ten years and coached volleyball for St. Thomas Christian Academy.

Guess you can say I m a survivor. I beat ovarian cancer in my forties, along with other medical issues, such as MS. A bad day here on the dirt is still better than a good day under the dirt , I say. Then I became a survivor of a brutal rape and mugging. My world and how I react changed for me, that split second.

There is so much more, I could say, about my life and yes it s my perspective, good or bad. There s one thing I d like you to know about me attitude is a choice. I believe at looking at the glass as half full (positive) and not half empty (negative).

Life gives you lemons, you should make the best darn lemonade.

My family tree presents a history of my ancestors, derived from birth, marriage and death certificates, census records, cemetery documents, and from oral histories told to me by my mother and father, Jacqueline Bogner, and William Murphy, my grandparents, and several aunts, uncles and cousins. My family tree took many years to grow. This "web tree" grew with the help of my loving husband, Larry Lanzaro. Others to whom I am gratefully indebted are Robbie Barnes, Tom and Kathryn Peters, Mary Lish, Bob Bechtold, Ed Wolf, Dr. Bernard Humberger, JoAnn Bertolo, Mary Louise Kurchock, Gail Williams, and Leah Smith Hochstaedt, and, hopefully, others in the future.

This is the story of the Murphys, McCarthys, Bogners, Bittlingmeiers, Bechtolds, Dyzszkiewiczs, Mazurkiewiczs, Bauers, Greuters, Schuhmanns, Seifs, Teisches, Clearys, Maleckis, Adlers, Hirschels, Surbecks, Wittes, Gausses, Horns, Webers, Stolps, Gablers, Reitzes, Kopfs, Rosinas, Humbergers, and others. In other words, it s the foundation I was built upon, and I will become the link for the future to be built.

I wish you all well and to remind you to learn and listen from the past. On this website, our ancestors are saying "Remember us! We were here. We were real."



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It is my hope that this webpage will be used to share my information with other family members and to encourage them to share with me any information they may have. Please feel free to contact me by clicking on the "Email Me" link.

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