Henry W. Wassmer's World War II Draft Registration Card
World War II Draft Registration Card - April 1942
Name: Henry Wassmer
Residence: 426 So. 15th St., Newark, Essex, N.J.
Mailing Address: Same
Telephone: Ma3-3588
Age: 52 years
Date of birth: February 9, 1888
Place of birth: Newark, New Jersey
Name and address of person who will always know your address: 426 So. 15th St., Newark, Essex, N.J.
Employer: Newark Embroidery Works - Foreman
Place of Employment or Business: 78 SHipman St., Newark, Essex, N.J.
Race: White
Height: 5' 4"; Weight: 150; Color of Eyes: Blue; Color of Hair: Gray; Complexion: Light
Tatoo marks on arms
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