John Dyszkiewicz Birth Certificate
Last update 4/12/2023
John Dyszkiewicz was born in Newark on January 5, 1892. He was the son of Lawrence Dyszkiewicz and Mary Mazurkiewicz.
Name: John
Color: White
Date of Birth: January 5, 1892
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: 118 Court Street, Newark, NJ
Name of Father: Lorenz Dyskiewicz
Maiden Name of Mother: Mary Mazurkiewicz
Country of Father's Birth: Austria; Age: 39; Occupation: Blacksmith
Country of Mother's Birth: Austria; Age: 30
Number of Children in all by this Marriage: six; How many living: six
Baptismal record for John Vincent Dyszkiewicz from St. Stanislas Roman Catholic Church in Newark, thanks to Tom Peters.
According to Tom, the document lists his parents' origin as Siworski, Austria, which he says means Galicia.
He further believes that this might be Wysoka Strzyzowska in Galicia which is near Czudec.
Galicia was a historical and geographic region spanning what is now southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. Today, Wysoka Strzyzowska, or Strzyzow for short, and Czudec are located in the remote southeastern portion of Poland, about 80 miles east of the Ukrainian border.
Note on right says "Lawrence Dyszkiewicz the father was supposed to have changed family name legally to Smith."