Josephina Schuhmann Obituary
Josephina Hohschel was born in Bavaria, Germany, on February 15, 1816. She was the wife of Anton Schuhmann (1818- ).
Once in America, the surname Hohschel appears to have been changed to Hirschel.
Josephina and Anton were the parents of Katherine Schuhmann (1856-1925).
The obituary was published in the May 8, 1900 issue of Freie Zeitung German-language newspaper, page 5, column 7.
Document courtesy Kathryn Peters.
English translation courtesy Tom Peters.
SCHUHMANN - Loving relatives and friends and the St. Anna Altar Society, herewith the tragic news that our beloved wife, mother,
grandmother, great grandmother and mother-in-law, Josephina SCHUHMANN nee HOHSCHEL, fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, the 7th
of May (1900) at 7 a.m., aged 84 years, 2 months and 21 days.
The funeral will be held on Thursday the 10th of May at 10 a.m. from the grieving home at 357 15th Avenue and from there to
St. Ann's Church for a Requiem Mass and thence to Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
The funeral ceremony (viewing) in the home will be private.
The grieving survivors
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