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Last update 3/4/2022
Here you can view the actual documents I have in my research collection. They include birth, marriage and death
certificates or records, obituaries, military documents, and the Social Security Applications and Claims Index (SSACI) and Death Index (SSDI).
Although not actually documents, the SSDI and SSACI is the information on the index cards for deceased Social Security recipients.
For a more detailed explanation, click here.
The SSACI picks up where the SSDI leaves off, with details such as birth date and parents’ names extracted from information filed with the Social Security Administration through the application or claims process.
In the case of the military records, most are registrations for the draft that men were required to obtain during World War One and World War Two.
The "imm&nat" column contains documents pertaining to Immigration and Naturalization.
A word of caution. Anna Lee Waldo, the author of the historical novel Sacajawea, offered the following caveat to anyone who is researching old documents in order to ascertain the truth.
History has a way of being lost or misrepresented. Personal testimony has a way of being slanted or falsified to please the questioner. People die, so statements cannot be checked.
On the other hand, a statement in print tends to become fact when in truth it may not be fact at all, but only a myth written down.
Michael Reuss (1827-1908) marriage death imm&nat
Apollonia Rothmann Reuss (1826-1863) marriage death imm&nat
Veronica Reich Reuss (1837-1925) death
(1) Barbara Reuss (1851-1854) death
(2) Margaret Reuss Neichel (1855-1910) birth death
Christian Peter Neichel (1850-1919) birth death obit
(2a) Rosanna Neigel Hang (1876-1914) death
Charles Hang ( )
Harold C. Hang (1901- ) birth
Rose Hang (1904- ) birth
Charles Hang (1911- ) marriage
(2b) Kate Neigel (1880- ) birth
(2c) John Henry Neigel (1881-1941) marriage death military
Elizabeth A. Mertin Neigel (1882-1968) marriage death
Josephine C. Neigel (1905-1996) birth death
Lucy Neigel Vradenburgh (1908-1997) birth marriage death SSDI
Frank Vradenburgh (1899-1952) birth marriage death obit military
Elwood E. Vradenburgh (1925-1978) death military SSACI
Agnes T. Neigel Doyle (1915-1999) birth marriage death SSACI
John F. Doyle (1910-1942) marriage death military
Herbert A. Neigel (1918-2013) birth death obit military
(2d) Agnes V. Neigel Mertin (1884- ) marriage
Ernest T. Mertin (1878-1967) marriage military
Louise E. Mertin Schroeder (1904-1995) birth marriage death SSDI
Harry Schroeder ( ) marriage
Ernest J. Mertin (1906-1998) birth death SSDI
Elizabeth Schlegel Mertin (1910-1996) death SSDI
(2e) Peter S. Neigel (1884-1969) death military SSDI
(2f) Michael Neigel (1888-1934) marriage death military
Norah Lonergan Neigel (1893-1927) marriage death
Mary Neigel McEnroe (1912-1992) birth marriage death SSACI
William E. McEnroe (1906-1988) marriage death military
Dorothy McEnroe Passalaqua (1929-2008) birth marriage death SSDI
Jack J. Passalaqua (1929-1989) marriage death military SSACI
Nora Neigel McEnroe (1914-1987) birth marriage death
Arthur J. McEnroe (1910-1952) marriage death military
Margaret Neigel (1917-1918) death
Michael Neigel (1919-2005) obit SSACI
(2g) Mary Agnes Neigel Radice (1891-1951) birth marriage death
Anthony J. Radice (1889-1961) marriage death military
Arthur J. Radice (1913-1967) marriage death military
Catherine M. Tewes Radice (1914-2007) marriage death
(2h) Margaret Neigel (1897-1972) birth death SSDI
(3) Heinrich Reuss (1857-1865)
(4) Mary Reuss (1859-1870)
(5) John C. Reuss (1860-1891) death
Mary Gray Reuss Hamilton (1866- ) marriage
William Hamilton (1867- ) marriage
Ruth E. Hamilton Meier (1903-1983) birth marriage death obit
Arthur P. Meier (1908-1992) birth marriage death obit military
Florence Hamilton (1905- )
(5a) Joseph Oliver Reuss (1881-1964) birth marriage death military SSDI
Dorothy M. Hill Rears (1882-1972) marriage death
Lawrence Oliver Rears (1909-1981) marriage death obit military SSDI
Constance Winifred Healy Rears (1912-2009) marriage SSDI
William Gregory Rears (1939-2005) death obit
Virginia Gail Rears Simonson (1943-2019) marriage obit
Donald Gilbert Simonson (1939- ) marriage
(5b) Teresa Stella Reuss Connelly (1884-1959) birth death obit
Francis A. Connelly (1883-1968) death military
Gilbert F. Connelly (1910-1933) death
Robert T. Connelly (1912-2015) marriage death obit military
Marie Beisgen Connelly (1911-1979) birth marriage death obit SSDI
Gwen Simmermacher Connelly ( )
Thomas M. Connelly (1940-2019) death obit
Catherine Connelly Gilley ( )
John C. Connelly (1922-1933) death
(5c) Mary Reuss (1890- )
(6) Heinrich Reuss (1863-1863) birth death
(7) Henry Reuss (1864-1928) death obit
(8) Elisabeth Reuss (1866-1868) birth
(9) Elizabeth Reuss (1868-1968) birth marriage obit
William Ost (1867-1913) marriage death obit
Ella Rice Ost (1872- ) marriage
(9a) Friedrich Ost (1891- ) birth marriage military
Mary Schmitt Ost (1894-1974) marriage SSDI
Catherine V. Ost (1913-1920) death
Mildred Ost Clune (1914-1978) marriage death SSACI
Francis J. Clune (1908-1968) marriage death military
Robert E. Clune (1937-1998) marriage military SSACI
Harriet M. Lovatt Clune (1939- ) birth marriage
Richard J. Clune (1939- ) marriage
Louise P. Majewski Clune (1939- ) birth marriage
Patrick J. Doyle (1868-1910) marriage death
(9b) Henry C. Doyle (1893-1951) birth marriage death military SSACI
Mary Westerwelt Doyle (1896-1917) marriage death
Helen Doyle Gottlick (1915-2001) marriage death obit SSDI
Anthony J. Gottlick (1917-1990) marriage death obit military
Carole Ann Gottlick Schneider (1942-2017) marriage death obit
George E. Schneider (1941-2019) marriage death obit
Rusty E. Schneider (1965-1983) death obit
(9c) Helen Doyle Cadmus (1895-1983) marriage death obit
Charles E. Cadmus (1901-1991) marriage death obit military
Charles F. Cadmus (1921-2013) marriage death obit military
Elinor Boner Cadmus (1919-1999) marriage obit SSACI
Henry F. Cadmus (1921-2011) marriage obit military
Bertha Bacatselos Cadmus (1923-2019) marriage death obit
Helen Cadmus Kaczkowski (1927-2016) marriage obit
Leonard Kaczkowski (1926-2008) marriage obit
Marilyn M. Cadmus Isaksen (1933-2003) marriage death obit
Richard D. Isaksen (1934-2015) marriage death obit
(9d) Veronica Doyle Schneider (1904-1976) marriage death obit
Adam M. Schneider (1901-1965) marriage death military SSDI
(10) Charles Reuss (1870-1873) birth death
(11) Georg (George) Rears (1873-1957) birth marriage death obit
Rosalia Louisa Bederski Rears (1877-1939) birth marriage death obit
(11a) Katie Rears (1894-1894) birth death
(11b) George Rears (1894-1895) death
(11c) George P. Rears (1896-1978) birth marriage obit military SSDI
Beatrice Zenglein Rears (1903-1986) birth marriage obit SSDI
Beatrice Rears Yetman (1924-2019) marriage obit
William Yetman (1923-2009) marriage obit military SSDI
Beatrice M. Yetman (1947-2015) death obit
George P. Rears Jr. (1928-2005) marriage obit military SSACI
Wendy M. Purnell Rears (1933- ) marriage
(11d) Florence E. Rears Baun (1900-1953) birth marriage death
Charles Ronald Baun (1902-1978) marriage death obit military
Ella Druzbacky Gawlick Baun (1901-1980) marriage death obit
(11e) Catherine Rears Dierks (1903-1996) birth marriage obit SSACI
John Harry Dierks (1900-1962) marriage obit military
Harry John Dierks (1928-2012) marriage death military SSDI
Mary Anne Sullivan Dierks (1939-1975) marriage death obit
Thomas F. Dierks (1930-2020) marriage death
Elizabeth Nelson Strang Dierks (1921-1978) marriage obit military SSACI
Rosemarie Dierks Sacharanski (1933-2012) marriage death obit
Bernard J. Sacharanski (1928-2017) marriage death obit military
Donna Marie Sacharanski (1961-1968) death obit
(11f) John G. Rears (1905-1989) birth marriage obit military
Madeline M. Smith Rears (1909-1975) marriage obit
Joan Dorothy Rears Grimm (1932-2005) marriage death SSACI
George Joseph Grimm (1928-2010) marriage death obit military
Anne Marie Grimm Dovas (1953-2005) marriage death obit SSACI
Panagiotis "Pete" Dovas (1950-2014) marriage death obit
Patricia Kathleen Rears Flynn (1934-2012) marriage death obit
James A. Flynn Jr. (1934-1988) marriage death obit
Jane E. Flynn ( -1973) death obit
Marietta Flynn Improta (1963-1990) marriage obit
Robert M. Rears (1936-1977) marriage death obit military SSACI
Ann M. Cataldo Rears (1940-2018) marriage obit
Richard F. Rears (1940-2011) marriage death obit
Marilyn J. Wilson Rears (1940- ) marriage
Karolyn Marie Rears (1965-2000) death SSACI
(11g) Josephine Mary Rears Hock (1907-1986) birth death obit
Frank J. Hock (1909-1966) military
Kathleen M. Hock George (1944-2000) marriage death obit SSACI
(11h) Francis (Frank) E. Rears (1909-1994) birth marriage death military
Mary Evelyn Quinn Rears (1920- ) marriage
Leona Mary Scuorzo Rears (1916-1984) death obit
(11i) Theodora C. Rears (1911-1913) death
(11j) Charles J. Rears (1914-1974) birth marriage death military
Catherine A. Thomas Rears (1913-1980) marriage death obit SSACI
(11k) Rose Marie Rears Knopf (1917-1947) birth marriage death
George A. Knopf (1917-2009) marriage death obit military
Mary Knopf (1947-1947) death
Joan Breyersdorfer Knopf (1923-2012) death military
(12) Mary Reuss (1875- ) birth marriage
George F. Dietz (1874- ) marriage military
Charles A. Dietz (1899- ) birth
Alice E. Dietz Zinckgraf (1904-2000) birth marriage obit SSACI
Edward J. Zinckgraf (1901-1957) marriage death obit military
(13) Katherine Cecilie Rears Poeter (1878- ) birth marriage
Louis Poeter (1872-1938) marriage SSACI
Emil H. Poeter (1905-1970) marriage obit military
Geraldine C. Rice Poeter (1906-1984) marriage obit
Ronald A. Poeter (1938-2015) marriage death
Emilie J. Lechleiter Poeter (1944-1991) marriage obit SSACI
Geraldine Ann Poeter (1942-2000) obit SSACI
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